You have a wide range of equipment at your disposal to approach each mission. Each piece of your loadout falls into the categories of either lethal, less lethal, or tactical equipment.
Utilize the HQ's firing range and shoot house to better understand your loadout and its capabilities. You can make presets of loadouts to easily come back to them for a later mission or assign them to your team.
Making your pick
Before selecting your loadout for each mission, pay careful attention to the scenarios presented in each briefing and make inferences about the challenges you may face. For example: what time of day is it? What sort of weapons might the suspects be using? Will they be wearing armor, what type? Will the suspects have gas masks? How confined are the spaces?
Lethal Weaponry
In the dire situation when lethal force is authorized you have a bevy of options spanning pistols, submachine guns, shotguns, and rifles. Pick a weapon platform that suits your need for a given situation, taking into account the caliber, ammo type, armor penetration, potential overpenetration, weapon length, recoil, fire rate, and compatible attachments.
Less-Lethal Weaponry
When carefully deployed, less-lethal options encourage compliance in a hostile encounter without killing the target. Impact Munitions/Force options act through physical impact. Chemical options react with the human body and specialize in area denial or indirect fire. Distractionary devices use overwhelming light and sound to disorient targets. Lastly, Conducted Energy Weapons (CEWs) cause electro-muscular incapacitation to rapidly subdue a target.
Tactical Equipment
Tactical equipment fulfills many tasks indirectly related to combat, with some examples below. The mirrorgun assists with intel gathering prior to entry. Use wedges to cordon off doorways and control the scene. Breaching methods like C2, door rams, and breaching shotguns allow for dynamic breaches with varying levels of intensity. Choose from NVGs, unarmored helmets, flash-resistant goggles, gas masks, or ballistic masks to augment your effectiveness for a given playstyle and threat. Lastly, kevlar, ceramic, and steel armor configurations all have increasingly higher levels of effectiveness against different small-arms threats with the primary trade-off of lower movement acceleration speed.