March 1st 2024

Vol.69 – Ready or Not Development Briefing

Attention Officers,

Thank you for joining us for the 69th edition of our development briefing, March 1st, 2024! We hope you’re all having a nice day.

This week we’ll be providing insights on multiple areas of Ready or Not’s current development. The subtopics covered are preliminary discussions around AI behavior advancements, optimization, crashes, and audio reverb improvements.

Other than the topics covered in this briefing we have upcoming bug fixing and top-secret RoN progress occurring behind the scenes.

Please keep in mind that everything in this development briefing is work in progress and subject to change.

Vol.69 Development Briefing summary points:
(not a changelog)

  • We have ongoing internal roundtable discussions across our development departments (taking into account community feedback) to experiment with advancing the AI behaviors of suspects, civilians and SWAT
    • Please continue to leave specific feedback regarding your experiences with AI behavior in our respective Discord feedback channels for consideration!
    • You can expect a comprehensive analysis of our approaches as we carefully vet and solidify specific development routes.
    • One early example of an initial analysis is that we’d like to improve pre-combat behaviors for Suspect AI; they can be too eager to fight at times
    • Resulting experimentation could entail building upon as the hesitation system and making the onset of firefights less readily predictable
  • Optimization is being improved via avenues like:
    • Scalability settings that more effectively allow high/medium/low graphics settings to tailor performance
    • 2D Level of Detail elements (LOD “impostors”) for distant foliage, rocks, etc.
    • Shader caching to reduce remaining stuttering (note: Enabling V-sync may help) and decrease load times
  • Resolving crashes related to the common issue in games, “DXGI_Error_Device_Hung,” that primarily affects RTX 4000 series cards
  • Immersive improvements to our audio reverb system using “reflection probes” so that reverbs sound more 3D and accurate to environmental materials, all without costing performance
    • Video demonstration included!

Read the full briefing here:

Ready or Not

Ready Or Not is an intense, tactical, first person shooter that depicts a modern day world in which Special Weapons and Tactical police units are called to defuse hostile and confronting situations.