March 29th 2024

Vol. 71 – Ready or Not Development Briefing

Attention Officers,

Thank you for joining us for the 71st edition of our development briefing, March 29th, 2024!

This week we’ll look at our new dynamic dialogue-related systems for AI which will give us more flexibility and nuance for storytelling, as well as showcase some of the recent work on our lip sync system.

These development briefings serve to keep you in the loop about parts of our ongoing support for Ready or Not, although they do not encompass everything that we’re working on at a given moment. Please keep in mind that everything in this development briefing is work in progress and subject to change.

Vol.71 Development Briefing Summary Points:
(not a changelog)

  • Dynamic Dialogue System
    • Allows for easily creatable dialogue strings between multiple characters
    • Intricate level of customization
    • Complements existing reaction voice line system
    • New dialogue being written and recorded
  • Lip Sync System
    • Video showcase of the recent early implementation of our lip sync system


Read the full briefing here:

Ready or Not

Ready Or Not is an intense, tactical, first person shooter that depicts a modern day world in which Special Weapons and Tactical police units are called to defuse hostile and confronting situations.