August 2nd 2024

Vol. 76 – Ready or Not Development Briefing

Attention Officers,

Welcome to the 76th edition of our Ready or Not Development Briefing, August 2nd, 2024!

This week we want to provide a hopeful retrospective from our Game Director, Gruntr, regarding the recent release of our first DLC, Home Invasion. The message also serves as a general reflection that will help you understand our current experience as a game development studio.

Thank you for all of your feedback and continued support for the game as we look to support the game to the best of our abilities.

We’re eager to deliver you all more Ready or Not content, growing together throughout the process. Speaking of which, Patch 2 for Home Invasion is on its way shortly.

Note: These development briefings serve to keep you in the loop about parts of our ongoing support for Ready or Not, however the briefings do not encompass everything that we’re working on at a given moment. Please keep in mind that the content in our development briefings may still be a work in progress and subject to change.


Read the full briefing here:

Ready or Not

Ready Or Not is an intense, tactical, first person shooter that depicts a modern day world in which Special Weapons and Tactical police units are called to defuse hostile and confronting situations.